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Why salt the roads? 10 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
This lesson focuses on why states like Illinois must salt the roads during the winter. We will focus not only on the why but which type of salt is most efficient and safe for the environment.
Beats Speaker Project 7 to 7
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
You are recently hired at a your new job working for BEATS AUDIO. You have been assigned a task to create an efficient home speaker for Beats New Signature Studio Home Series. Your job is to create a speaker that plays directly from an auxiliary cord (headphone cable) without additional power. You have been directed to work with a group of 3 other audio, electrical and chemical engineers to draft designs, calculate cost efficiency and produce a working speaker given various and limited supplies.
Creating a Virtual Zoo: A Cross-Curriculum, Problem Based Learning Project 1 to 1
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this unit lessons, students will use technology skills and digital media applications, along with science and literacy skills to research animals in order to create a "virtual zoo", for students who do not have a zoo nearby or cannot afford to make the trip.
Thorne Comm 6 to 8
Technology can help teachers communicate more effectively with parents. Photographic evidence of student's performance is very effective!
Tiger EV Technology to Improve Sustainability and Petroleum Dependency 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The Tiger EV project involves research, design, and construction of an all-electric vehicle. This three-wheeled vehicle is powered advanced battery and electric motor technology. Electrathon America registered EV cars compete all across the country with the goal of traveling the farthest distance in a given time, with a limited energy source. Our goals for this project are to: Increase students' and publics' awareness of the future of alternative energy transportation. Advancing the implementation of green technology in educational curriculums across the country using hands-on learning in the fields of electronics, aerodynamics, and materials usage, in a real life application.
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